Last year I wrote about how blockchain technology was both antithetical and puzzling to my artistic view on technology. My conclusion was to abstain from high frequency trading and content making on the blockchain. This is partly because I am slow to adopt new technologies and practices. But also because, by waiting, I could signal the need to improve Ethereum’s carbon emissions. Despite my act’s minuscule impact, Ethereum is changing and next month will move to a different reconciliation mechanism known as Proof of Stake.
With these changes, I too have taken a second look at the opportunities and challenges that blockchain technology present. It will take time for me to make substantial work in this space. But, a renewed inspection has brought me to a refreshed perspective on making art out of technology. To that end, I have written an artistic manifesto. It is a satire and formal study inspired by the format of press releases posted on various tech websites. This manifesto is also made by using many “ground breaking” technologies available to developers today.
The comments are on, so I would love to hear from you. Either feedback, or maybe perhaps how the Ethereum merge changes (or doesn’t change!) your mind about all things crypto,